Activism is hard work. With all of the daily responsibilities that go into running a successful campaign, it’s easy to lose sight of what we’re ultimately aiming for. Let’s take a minute to consider the big picture.


First, think back to 50 years ago. Now write down everything about the world today that would have seemed impossible back then.

  • What political and social developments would have seemed unthinkable back then?
  • What forms of technology or knowledge?
  • How quickly can transformative change take place?
  • Now you’re in the right frame of mind to paint an equally bold and impossible picture of the future.


Now, imagine that you’re very old, approaching the end of a long and fruitful life. You’re in your final years but you’ve worked long and hard for the causes you care about. And guess what? You feel great about the work that you’ve done and what you have achieved — you’ve really made a difference! What does that look like? Write down what has changed between now and the end of your life.

  • How has someone been impacted by your work?
  • What is different about your hometown or city?
  • What are people doing at this future date that they’re not doing today?
  • How does this future look different, sound different, or smell different?


Let’s draw a line from now to that future. How does your current campaign move us toward the future you just envisioned?

  • Step by step, what will it take for us to reach that vision of a better world? And how does the work you’re doing today lead us there?


Let’s draw a line from now to that future. How does your current campaign move us toward theNow think about how you can explicitly or implicitly make that connection to your audience.future you just envisioned?

  • Are there ways that you can link your current efforts to a more beautiful future? How would you make that connection in your appeals, your materials, and your social media posts?


Thumbnail Image for "A Vivid Dream" Exercise