This simple, generative exercise asks you to come up with creative ways to deepen your audience’s engagement through storytelling. Storytelling is, in this light, a campaign tactic.


Think about the audience insights you have from your research and experience. At what level is your target audience on the Engagement Pyramid (see below) currently?


Now let’s brainstorm storytelling tactics (both online and IRL) that could move your audience just one step up on the Pyramid.

  • For example: Say you’re working on single-use plastics, your target is teenagers. The audience is on the Contributing level, but you want to get them to start Endorsing. You could invite them to become Plastic Free Champions and to tell their stories on social media of how they’ve liberated themselves from plastic pollution. Highlight and amplify the stories of these Champions. They’re endorsing the cause now and spreading their stories to many more teenagers.

Here’s a list of the forms of public storytelling to get your creative juices flowing:

  • Launch a community-created mural
  • Put on a street play
  • Hold a poetry write-a-thon or workshop
  • Write a protest song
  • Create a viral dance
  • Write a children’s book or comic
  • Erect a public sculpture that people can add to
  • A post-it wall (like Subway Therapy, subwaytherapy.com)
  • Publish a photo essay and invite people to share photographs
  • Put on an art show and invite people to submit their work
  • Record a podcast and host your audience as guests
  • Hold an online conversation with your audience
  • Create an oral history and ask your audience to send in recording clips


Select just one tactic and build a plan to implement it.

  • Take the vision in your head(s) and improvise it based on your capacity and means. Invite others to feedback. And don’t be afraid to ask for help! That’s the best way to grow your movement.


Pyramid Graphic with 6 sections, numbered 6 - 1 (from top to bottom)
top to bottom
The contributions of leaders cannot be measured by metrics alone,
but you may have qual and quant benchmarks such as:
6. LEADINGLeads Others: Engaged becomes the engager; Focuses on training others; Easily confused with staff

Organising others, recruiting
donors, serving on board
• Group/community leaders
• Recruited by leaders
5. OWNINGOngoing, Collaborative Actions: Major investments of time, money, and social capital often blur;
GP = source of passion

Publishing about GP campaigns,
public speaking, deep volunteer
• Fundraising leaders
• Lead Volunteers
• NVDA action-takers
4. CONTRIBUTINGMulti-Step Assignments / Actions: Representing significant contribution of time, money, or social capital

Joins group, attends event, makes large donation
• Regular donors
• Regular volunteers/activists
• Content creators
3. ENDORSINGSingle-step: or straightforward actions with low risk / investment

Signs petition, makes one-time/small donation, shares content
• One time donors
• Petition signers
• People sharing
• Participating in volunteer welcome program
2. FOLLOWINGAgrees to receive info: Provides contact info or subscribes

Reading and watching direct Greenpeace
• Email Subscribers (active within last year)
• Facebook/Twitter followers
• People indicating they want to volunteer with Greenpeace
1. OBSERVINGInterested in cause: aware of Greenpeace; Learning more via friend, DD, media, social media

Visits website / social media;
attends an event
• Website Traffic
• Social mentions
• Media impressions
• Polling (awareness)


Thumbnail Image for "Your Audience & The Engagement Pyramid" Exercise